Axe Banger: The Guitarist Showcase

Tom Hess

Name: Tom Hess

Playing (years): 18

Style: Progressive, neo-classical, shred.

Gear: Angelo “Tom Hess’ signature model guitars, Carvin V220 guitars, Sanamp PSA-1, the list goes on and on and on.

Endorsements: Angelo Guitars, Dean Markley strings, Clayton guitar picks

Past accomplishments: released: Opus 1 and Opus 2. Taught hundreds of guitarists from all over the world.

Current and upcoming projects: HESS Opus 3.

Favorite guitarist: Andy LaRocque / George Bellas

Most underrated players: Mike Walsh / Andy LaRocque

Best musician you’ve ever seen: Goerge Bellas

Four words that best describe what you want to get across in your playing: Passion, Passion, Passion, Passion

Your hero: Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849)

The ultimate goal: I’m doing it.



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