
Rustic Overtones: Rooms By The Hour

Ripchord Records

The appeal of this one is going to depend upon where the listerner’s musical tastes lie. I don’t care for horn-driven music that leans toward alternative, but those who do will probably like this. This 14-song collection contains alternative music influenced by slow jazz to pop to punk to reggae/ska to rock. “Girl Germs” is offkey jazz-flavored with almost metal-style vocalizations singing about such ‘lovely’ things as the dating/bar scene and getting gonorrhea. The song “Pink Belly” sounds like ’40s swing music with ’50s do-whop vox that might be played by a wedding-band. “The Letter” has country music overtones; definitely not my thing. “The Heist” is a punk arrangement literally about robbing a bank. “History Crush” would be a great rock song except that there are horns where guitars should be. I realize that these guys are trying to be different, but horn-driven music just does nothing for me. “Machine Maker” sounds like a samba that was recorded in somebody’s basement. “Shaker” sounds like lounge jazz with Steven Tyler-ish vox. Weird. “Iron Boots” brings into play the reggae/ska aspect. I found this to be more annoying than anything else, but if it appeals to you

Box 264
Portland, ME 04112

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