Theresa Carmoney is an independent music artist. Go to her youtube page, and you will find her signing a wide range of songs. The first song I ever heard Theresa sing was a cover of Whitesnake Is this love. I had a chance to interview Theresa Carmoney to talk about her songs and career.
AA: Growing up, who were your influences in music?
TC: My main influences were my mom, my dad, grandmother, aunts, The Judds, Shirley Caeser, Dolly Parton, The Oak Ridge Boys, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson. There are so many, but my mom, dad, and grandmother (on my dad’s side) are on top of the list.
AA: During the coronavirus, have you been writing more songs?
TC: No, honestly, I didn’t have time to write much. My focus is usually on my family. I’m a single parent and homeschool mom. I had to put aside things that weren’t that important. Well, as important as my girls and granddaughter. A lot of things have happened during this time. We are truly blessed, but we’ve also been going through a lot. On a good note, my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter finally have a place to live (it’s still not up to par), but they have a roof over their head.and my younger daughter passed 6th grade with flying colors! It hadn’t been the easiest of school years for her though we moved twice, and she was behind at the very beginning of the school year. But God is a great God.we’re blessed!
AA: You have a wide range of music that you write, would you ever do an EP or album of the music styles you do?
TC: I sure do have a wide range! I can’t help it! Lol Yes, I would do an album of most of the genres I sing. How fun would that be!??!
AA: How did the song it takes one to know one come together?
TC: Well, at the end of 1997, I had met someone at a Christmas party…he was the co-worker of a friend. We ended up trying to get to know one another, but things moved along quite quickly! After only about three months or so, I found myself in an abusive situation, and I had completely lost respect for him after that. Long story short, I left him and didn’t look back! I’ve also been in relationships that have involved cheating I know first-hand how horrible it feels to be giving someone your all only for them to not give anything back. It Takes One To Know One is a reflection of what both women, men, and children go through in life when they are subjected to an abusive person. I wanted to shed light on the abuse you may be in a bad situation one day, but you can find help. You deserve more than being disrespectful, being a punching bag, being belittled none of that’s right! You’re better than that, and so am I.
AA: What is the best part of writing for you?
TC: Wow! Great question! I would have to say that the best part of writing for me is able to escape! In a song, poem, story, etc., you can be who you want to be! Write about what you want to write about. If it’s actually winter-time, you can write about the summer. I love being able to be swept away by emotions n a song. I don’t have to hold back! It’s very freeing!
AA: What are your future plans now?
TC: My ultimate dream is to achieve a Grammy/CMA/Dove Award! I would love to continue to reach the world with my music! Not to be famous, but to change people’s lives. I know it might sound cheesy, but really, I’d like to make a positive difference in the world. Therefore, I’d love to be able to get another band started or join one. Not just any band, but one where everyone clicks! Personalities, music styles, enthusiasm, etc. I’d love to be able to tour one day. I think I’m on the right track nowadays I guess we’ll have to wait and see where all of this leads.
AA: On your youtube channel you have cool videos of you doing a wide variety of cover songs do you ever get fan requests for songs?
TC: I sure do! I love all of the fan requests I get! The only thing is some people think that I can sing anything well, that’s really sweet, but there are tons of songs that don’t suit me or that my voice isn’t for Many that are out of range for me, vocally! It’s hard trying to explain that to some people. I would like to fulfill every fan’s request, but sometimes that just isn’t possible. The ones that I have been able to fulfill hold a spot in my heart. Just knowing that it could make someone’s day brighter or bring back a memory, I feel that it’s totally worth it! My fans are worth it!
Twitter: @theresacarmoney
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