
Tommy Bolin “Shake The Devil” (Cleopatra Records)

Tommy Bolin was a guitar player in Deep Purple and the James Gang and released some solo stuff before unfortunately dying a drug overdose in 1976. He has no less than over 30 releases out after his death! This release contains archival sessions that would be on his 2nd and final solo album, “Private Eyes.” I have heard his name over the years, but not much music, but holy shit, the music on this is incredible. His guitar playing is flawless and played with such passion I could feel it 110% while this played on. These are different versions of the songs that appear on “Private Eyes,” but are different versions of them, mind you, and several versions of each tune in a couple of cases. I can hear a mild Deep Purple sound at times, but wow, this is just mind-blowing to me. This release was given the green light by the Tommy Bolin estate, and be glad they did cause it to be excellent, and his guitar playing lives on, and I will check out more stuff from him for sure. Info:

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