9:30 AM – Awaken after three-and-a-half hours “sleep” to shower, pack,
breakfast (M&M’s Peanuts), and bus to meet band van by 11 AM
at pre-arranged rendezvous spot.
1:30 PM – Band van arrives at pre-arranged rendezvous spot.
Drive to show.
3:00 PM – Make first wrong turn (should’ve turned left at flag-pole).
5:15 PM – Lost.
5:45 PM – Still lost.
6:30 PM – Lost… in the dark!
7:15 PM – Arrive at club a mere two-and-a-half hours late.
Throw equipment on stage
…no time for a sound-check because club is already filled with
(angry) diners.
7:45 PM – Leave club to find motel.
8:10 PM – Lost.
8:30 PM – Still lost.
9:10 PM – Return to club, unpacked, unshowered, unfed and unrested,
having run out of time to find motel.
9:30 PM – Band onstage, while lighting equipment is still being erected.
9:31 PM – Very angry diners already complaining band is too loud.
12:45 AM – Band off stage.
Lighting equipment almost erected.
12:46 AM – Try to find club-owner in order to get paid.
1:30 AM – Still trying to find club-owner.
2:10 AM – Dish-washer tells us club-owner left at 12:30 AM.
2:11 AM – Phone band manager (collect) to instigate another legal
2:15 AM – Still can’t find motel, but no money to pay for one anyways.
Look for an open restaurant instead.
2:50 AM – Still can’t find an open restaurant.
3:10 AM – Dinner (M&M’s Peanuts) at 7-11.
3:30 AM – Drive home.
4:20 AM – Should’ve turned right at flag-pole.
5:10 AM – Even more lost than before.
8:20 AM – Arrive home a mere three-and-a-half hours late.
9:30 AM – Awaken after three-and-a-half minutes “sleep” to shower, re-pack,
breakfast (leftover M&M’s Peanuts), and bus to meet band van by
11 AM at pre-arranged rendezvous spot.
2:45 PM – Band van arrives at pre-arranged rendezvous spot.
Drive to next show…