Categories Pigshit

Gary… On The Road… Again


9:30 AM – Awaken after three-and-a-half hours “sleep” to shower, pack,
                breakfast (M&M’s Peanuts), and bus to meet band van by 11 AM
                at pre-arranged rendezvous spot.

1:30 PM – Band van arrives at pre-arranged rendezvous spot. 
                Drive to show.

3:00 PM – Make first wrong turn  (should’ve turned left at flag-pole).

5:15 PM – Lost.

5:45 PMStill lost.

6:30 PM – Lost… in the dark!

7:15 PM – Arrive at club a mere two-and-a-half hours late. 
                Throw equipment on stage
                …no time for a sound-check because club is already filled with  
                (angry) diners.

7:45 PM – Leave club to find motel.

8:10 PM – Lost.

8:30 PMStill lost.

9:10 PM – Return to club, unpacked, unshowered, unfed and unrested,
                having run out of time to find motel.

9:30 PM – Band onstage, while lighting equipment is still being erected.

9:31 PMVery angry diners already complaining band is too loud.

12:45 AM – Band off stage. 
                  Lighting equipment almost erected.

12:46 AM – Try to find club-owner in order to get paid.

1:30 AMStill trying to find club-owner.

2:10 AM – Dish-washer tells us club-owner left at 12:30 AM.

2:11 AM – Phone band manager (collect) to instigate another legal

2:15 AMStill can’t find motel, but no money to pay for one anyways. 
                Look for an open restaurant instead.            

2:50 AMStill can’t find an open restaurant.

3:10 AM – Dinner (M&M’s Peanuts) at 7-11.

3:30 AM – Drive home. 

4:20 AM – Should’ve turned right at flag-pole.

5:10 AM – Even more lost than before.

8:20 AM – Arrive home a mere three-and-a-half hours late.

9:30 AM – Awaken after three-and-a-half minutes “sleep” to shower, re-pack,
                breakfast (leftover M&M’s Peanuts), and bus to meet band van by
                11 AM at pre-arranged rendezvous spot.

2:45 PM – Band van arrives at pre-arranged rendezvous spot. 
                Drive to next show…


By Gary Pig Gold

Gary Pig Gold is a singer-songwriter, record producer, filmmaker, and author. His fanzine The Pig Paper was Canada's first independently published music magazine, and among the recording artists he has worked with are Pat Boone, Dave Rave, Endless Summer, Simply Saucer and Shane Faubert.