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Subscribe >In amp-on-at-least-11 tribute to the late, extremely great – not to mention extremely ball- and ear-busting Dick Dale, may I present my Ten OTHER All-Time Favorite Guitarists …in order of their initial phonographic appearances, that is: BO DIDDLEY Rock ‘n’ Roll is Beat, and Beat needs a Rhythm, and basically… BO KNOWS. Sure, […]
DATELINE: Lubbock, TX (February 2018) – Yessir, that last tour, exactly fifty-nine years ago, was sure a sumbitch, wasn’t it? “Winter Dance Party” my lone starred ass! More like a near month hauling all across those snow-crusted heartlands in the back of a school bus, sleeping with our guitars and our Jack Daniel’s […]
Fifty-seven years after The Day The Music supposedly Died on February 3, 1959, I give you… TEN REASONS WHY BUDDY STILL MATTERS: THE CHIRPING CRICKETS Buddy Holly, alongside Niki Sullivan, Joe B. Mauldin, and Jerry Allison, formed the immaculately suited, fully self-contained two-guitar-bass-drum singing/songwriting template upon which some of the greatest rock bands […]