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Subscribe >Gene Simmons gets a lot of flak for some of the things that he has said, One thing he said that makes sense is the fact that there’s no music business. Consumers feel they are entitled to download music for free. For a musician to make music they have to pay for instruments, studio time […]
This column I am going to touch on the cost of going to live shows and how many so-called “reunion” tours go on these days from a lot of bands from the 80’s. The cost of going to live concerts has skyrocketed recently and I am sure it is due to the fact that album […]
THRASH METAL!! The best thrash album of all time? Not an easy choice. For me it’s Exodus “Bonded by Blood”. A underground landmark. Thrash metal. I am sure some of you when you heard those words think of maybe old Metallica or the Bay area thrash scene in the 80’s. When I was started to […]
For two and a half decades, I’ve been hearing stories about a concert that happened in my hometown of Medford Oregon… a show where the band played a blistering set to only a handful of people… where the drummer’s ride cymbal broke, so he threw it into the small crowd and it exploded into pieces! […]
J: So the new album, ‘Constitution of Treason’ has been out a couple months now. How is it selling? B: It’s selling good you know. I mean it’s not moving as fast as we want it to, but it’s definitely moving. We’re very proud of the record. And it’s catching on. And we’re very happy […]
NAME: Mike Walsh.PLAYING (YEARS): 12 years.STYLE: Progressive/Rock.GEAR: 7 string Ibanez, Johnson Millennium Amp.ENDORSEMENTS: Dean Markely Strings.CURRENT & UPCOMING PROJECTS: Hess is releasing a new album this summer. Sage will be looking to get signed and do the same.FAVORITE GUITARIST: Steve VaiMOST UNDERATED PLAYERS: David GilmourBEST MUSICIAN YOU’VE EVER SEEN: Steve VaiWHAT YOU WANT TO GET […]
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve always enjoyed a good ‘n’ gritty, moshworthy, hard-hitting, street-bred hardcore metal band. I’ve always liked the attitude of hardcore music. I’ve had the pleasure of hearing such bands from all over going all the way back to Biohazard, Prong, Anthrax, and Pantera. Late-’80s-early ’90s Metallica and Megadeth. […]