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Subscribe >Metal Mike: Paul, here is my first compliment to you. I have really enjoyed your “look” solo release and I do not particularly like fusion type based music. There I said it, Metal Mike likes a fusion album …. I thought the CD was very well arranged and interesting to listen to. You still showed […]
NAME: Andy Timmons PLAYING (YEARS): 33 STYLE: Combination of rock, blues, and jazz…really anything with guitar! GEAR: Main rig: Laney VH100r head with Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4×12, signature model Ibanez guitar, Tube Screamer, Chandler Echo…. ENDORSEMENTS: Ibanez guitars, Laney amplifiers, D’Adarrio strings, Dunlop picks – PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS:As a solo act: 6 highly acclaimed solo CDs, tours of Japan and Europe, appearances with G3. With others: […]
NAME: Ritchie Roncarolo PLAYING (YEARS): 11 years. STYLE: Metal / Fusion GEAR: Ibanez S 520, Digitech & Boss Fx, ADA Amplifier, home made Celestion speakers ENDORSEMENTS: None CURRENT & UPCOMING PROJECTS: (1995) Blizzard, (1996) R.A.S Project. We will finish our “Heavy Guitars” album first then i guess i’ll record my instrumental album too. FAVORITE GUITARIST: Steve Vai MOST UNDERATED PLAYERS: Jeff Kollman, Greg […]
NAME: Mike Walsh.PLAYING (YEARS): 12 years.STYLE: Progressive/Rock.GEAR: 7 string Ibanez, Johnson Millennium Amp.ENDORSEMENTS: Dean Markely Strings.CURRENT & UPCOMING PROJECTS: Hess is releasing a new album this summer. Sage will be looking to get signed and do the same.FAVORITE GUITARIST: Steve VaiMOST UNDERATED PLAYERS: David GilmourBEST MUSICIAN YOU’VE EVER SEEN: Steve VaiWHAT YOU WANT TO GET […]
NAME: Paul Nelson PLAYING (YEARS): Quite a few! STYLE: Metal, Jazz Rock Fusion, Blues, Progressive and many more. GEAR: It is hard to keep track of what is used on a regular basis because of all the different musical situations involved but here is a description of some of the gear for studio and touring work. PEDALS: CE-3, (2)DD-3’s, TS […]