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Subscribe >As our still-favorite p-rock album celebrates its Gala Anniversary on October the 28th, what better time to examine TEN REASONS WHY THE SEX PISTOLS DIDN’T (OR COULDN’T) SAVE ROCK AND ROLL MALCOLM McLAREN Never before in the long and illustrious annals of popular music history has a man been handed so much raw talent atop […]
(Warner Bros. Records) This is a rather interesting comedy album. The way that it’s set up, it’s like an interview disc. Actually, that’s exactly what it is. You’ve got a small group of people tossin’ off the questions…and they’re not really questions. It’s more like they’re lookin’ for Don’s thoughts/opinions on certain subjects. Most of […]
(Warner Bros. Records) Jackie Mason’s “The World According To Me” was originally released in 1987 and, for the most part, the material is still fresh and original. Mason takes his time getting started with his “One Man Show” routine. He goes into a bit about how you only need one person to get anything done. […]