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Subscribe >“When I was young, I remember once…and I don’t know how…but I was in a room and I could have sworn that I saw the doorknob turn, the door opened and nobody was there. There was nobody else in the house at all. I freaked. I was young. I’ll never forget it. But, I don’t […]
Name: Bruce Kulick Playing (years): forever! Style: Rock Gear: ESP guitars, Gibson guitars, Marshall Amps. Endorsements: ESP GUITARS, SIT STRINGS, MARSHALL AMPS, DUNCAN PICKUPS Past accomplishments: KISS, MEATLOAF, MICHAEL BOLTON, BILLY SQUIER. Current and upcoming projects: GRAND FUNK RAILROAD is my current band, and have been supporting my solo disc, TRANSFORMER. Favorite guitarist: Jimi Hendrix Most underrated players: Leslie West, George Harrison Best musician […]