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Subscribe >ASTRIAAL/Anatomy Of The Infinite (Obsidian Records) This is this bands 1st release in over 10 years. To me this is just another black metal band doing nothing new or different that I have not heard a 1000 times before. Same pick riffing, same black metal vocals, and same fast black metal style music with a […]
On January 25th, 2004, at the Webster Theatre in Hartford, Connecticut I had an interview scheduled for the mighty Ball-Buster with the legendary underground band Life of Agony. I arrive at the venue in the freezing weather and the lead singer Keith Caputo escorted me quickly on their tour bus to escape the harsh weather […]
The band Apartment 26 was on tour as a support act for the bands Flaw and underground heroes Life of Agony. They stopped by Hartford, Connecticut at the Webster Theatre on January 25th, 2004. The band pulled up in their bus and walked into the venue hours before the show started. I was introduced to […]