Banger Picks

50 Tons of Black Terror: “My Idle Hands”

Blast off! Prepare to be lifted from that listless, soulless life you lead. Repent and rejoice, 50 Tons Of Black Terror (known as Penthouse outside North America) deliver the juice with their subterranean sick blues in the form of their 2nd long player. Endearingly titled “My Idle Hands,” said record includes 13 self penned beauties. Penthouse have spent the better part of the last year terrorising studio engineers with their unique vision of punk blues. It fell upon one man to bear the brunt of their sonic assault. Enter Teo Miller, record producer of some repute. Recording was interrupted by some dancefloor shenanigans but it all got done. In the midst Lo_Fidelity All Stars took a sledgehammer to a 50 Tons track and later Kriss Needs remixed them (50 Tons) and delivered the results to the baying masses at the Prodigy tour. Stateside, the band have done much to the folks of the redneck lands of the deep south. Rich white boys with jeeps did not understand their homage to the authentic rock and roll noise. Still, the last album “Demeter” saw its share of press and radio. This one is strongly recommended folks.

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